movie shark deblore
Film Critic to the Culver City Observer and over 132 Publications Worldwide including: The Observer, Inc., John Schimmenti, Inc., CCN, Inc.,
Santa Monica Observer, Inc., Beacon-Times, Inc., Columbus-Register, Inc., and a Host of Others


by debbie lynn elias

How many of you just melt at the sight of a little four-footed friend -chi web be it your “child” or not - looking up at you with soulful big brown eyes?  Now imagine seeing over 200 sets of those beautiful brown eyes looking out at you from a movie screen.  Then toss in themes of love, loyalty and friendship, mix it with a little fun, frolic and lots of adventure, designer duds, lots of Beverly Hills bling, lush tropical locales, eye popping pantheons of Mexican cultural delights and over  200 of the cutest, bravest, proudest and most incredible dogs you will ever see gathered together on the big screen, all under the gifted direction of Raja Gosnell and the most anthr opomorphic storytelling and meticulous editing to come around in a while, and you have the sisurround 2 webmply irresistible, BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA.

 Chloe is a pampered, spoiled little purebred snow white Deerhead Chihuahua living in the lap of luxury in Beverly Hills under the loving, lavish and obsessively devoted care of her owner Vivian.  Head of a large cosmetics company, Vivian wants for nothing and neither does Chloe who has her own spa days, private parties and lunches with her doggie pals, a closet of her own filled with doggie couture complete with matching accessories, little pink leather booties to keep her tender tootsies from touching dirt, a lifetime supply of Chanel No. 5,  and of course, what every two-footed or four-footed gal needs, a ginormous Harry Winston diamond collar that looks to be about 100 carats.  Sharing her glamorous life from the sidelines is Papi, a confident, proud of his heritage and roots mixed breed Chihuahua, who prides himself in his skills as a “landscaper” working along side his owner and best friend, Sam, the human landscaper on Vivian’s estate.    Sadly though for Papi who is head over heels in love with Chloe, she snubs him at every turn because of his “common” existence and breeding.   2008-10-01_151733But unbeknownst to them both, things are about to change for everyone.

 Called out of town on an emergency b usiness meeting (which of course must be attended to keep Chloe in the lifestyle to which she is accustomed), Vivian is forced to leave Chloe in the care of her flighty and flitty, irresponsible, “I am entitled to everything”, never worked a day in her life niece, Rachel.  Oy vay!  Begrudgingly accepting the assignment (lest she lose some of her perks from Aunt Viv) Rachel sees Chloe, who is actually a mini-Rachel, as a burden so when her friends ask her to accompany them to Puerto Vallarta for the weekend, she jumps at the chance, taking Chloe with her.

 True to their natures, Rachel thinks only of Rachel while Chloe thinks only of Chloe which means it doesn’t take long for Chloe to disappear in a very unsavory and dangerous part of town and Rachel feeling guilt and panic over losing her.  Both out of their element and alone, as Papi and Sam valiantly try to rescue them, they must each put their trust and faith in the kindness and help of others if they are to not only find each other and their way back to Beverly Hills, bu2008-10-01_151745t to find themselves.

 The casting, be it voice, human and canine is incomparable.  Cognizant of the desire to have actors voicing animals be comparable counterparts, Gosnell and head trainer Mike Alexander started with the canines, looking for personality to fit the character.  Combing animal shelters in Southern California and Mexico as well as established animal talent agencies, it took months to find the perfect animals for the parts, leading to a truly international cast of dogs and breeds, including a Dachshund, Boston terrier, Labrador, St. Bernard, French Bulldog, Dobermans, Yorkies, Dalmations, Pomeranians, a Bichon, a Pekingese, Poodles, Pugs, Chinese Cresteds, a Beagle, a Yorkie and of course, Chihuahuas - over 50 Chihuahuas!  And as if this wasn’t enough, some anim2008-10-01_151806als understood English and others only Spanish!

 Papi is actually a rescue (who now has a home thanks to this film).  Chosen for his “big ears and great expression” it was imperative that he have a voice in keeping with his uncontainable enthusiasm.  Enter George Lopez.  Between Lopez and Papi I don’t know who is more adorable and more scene stealing  - Lopez’ voice or Papi’s antics. They carry this film.  They give it heart and humor and leave you wanting more.  After casting a petite little Chihuahua named Angel as Chloe, Gosnell called on Drew Barrymore’s voicing talents.  With plucky sweetness, she embodies the character.  Andy Garcia comes on board as Delgado, the street-wise German Shepherd who befriends Chloe.  A former police dog, he harbors a dark secret.  Delgado is played by a team of 6 Shepherds led by a dog named Samson.  Think of Andy Garcia in the film “Twisted” and you’l l see why he’s perfect to give voice to Delgado.  Edward James Olmos is frighteningly menacing as the snarling evil Diablo.  Naturally, Diablo works for some unscrupulous humans and aids them in their quest to kidnap Chloe and ransom her and her necklace.   Hysterical performances are turned in by Cheech Marin and Paul Rodriguez who voice th2008-10-01_152742e only CGI characters in the film - Manuel the rat and Chico the iguana.  They are non-stop comedic joy.  And as if those voices aren’t enough, how about Placido Domingo as Monte, the head of the hidden Chihuahua Nation or one of my faves, Luis Guzman as a soulful Pit Bull named Chucho.  And let’s not forget Michael Urie as Chloe’s arrogant BH playmate Sebastian.

Moving on to our “human” actors, how do you top Jamie Lee Curtis as Aunt Viv.  A fave with Disney, one can see why as with her characterization she oozes money, shines a heart of gold and gushes gooeyness to her little baby Chloe, once again with pitch perfect perfection.  Now don’t go thinking this is a kids movie, because there is something here for everyone.  Starting with Manolo Cardona.  Ladies, you will be oohing and aahing over Cardona.  In his first American film, as Sam, together with Papi, he is the heart of the film, the moral compass, and one fine human specimen to look it.  But paired with Papi and you just fall in love.  Then=2 0watch him with Piper Perabo’s Rachel and his heart and confidence just shines.   But then we have two guys I adore - Jose Maria Yazpik as dogfighter-jewel thief Vasquez and the incredible Eugenio Derbez.  Derbez, a true international Mexican superstar, is at his comedic best as a shopkeeper doing battle with a cert2008-10-01_152830ain pesky rat and iguana!

 Written by Analisa LaBianco and Jeff Bushell, the story is patented Disney.  Charming, sweet, adventurous, fun, funny and entertaining with themes of friendship, loyalty and love, LaBianco and Bushell create not only a story that comes full circle but one with well defined characters - 2 and 4 footed  - that grow and mature with the film. 

 Directing a film is always difficult at best, but dealing with humans, dogs, CGI, multiple locations, 60 animal trainers and a crew of hundreds, it should be insurmountable. Surprisingly, it wasn’t.  According to Raja Gosnell, in choosing between CGI, actors or dogs, “certainly the dogs” were the most difficult to handle “but the payoff was fantastic.  They just have so much soul in their eyes and personality.  I did CG dogs for Scooby but you can never get that soul.  It’s something living and breathing that has an emotion and thoughts in there and it’s just unmatchable.”   And the fates were certainly kind when it cam e to shooting the dogs.   “Sometimes [the dogs] would just nail it.  Even2008-10-01_152848 the hard really difficult choreography.  We definitely pushed the envelope with this movie.  I was really ambitious as what I wanted these dogs to do; running up stairs, stopping halfway, turning around, coming back down, running back to the door, coming face-to-face, having dialogue.”  But Gosnell “always had a Plan B just in case.”  From a lensing standpoint, most impressive is an extended cable cam shot of a chase scene through a Mexican marketplace.  A one shot scenario, there was no Plan B if the dogs didn’t cooperate.  Fortunately, he attained success in one take.  Amazingly, even with all the dogs and the intricacies of the story and his direction, the shoot was only about 75 days which is average for a “normal” road film.

 Kudos to Costume Designer Mariestela Fernandez who was responsible not only for outfitting humans, but she created the costuming for the pampered pooches, sewing 17 outfits for Chloe alone, all by hand and “always trying to keep her looking slim; just like with any actress.”  The Harry Winston necklace alone took over 3 weeks to create.  This film would be nothing were it not for the woBHC POSTERrk of Visual Effects Supervisor Michael McAlister who was responsible for mouth and eyebrow manipulation of the canines as well designing Manuel and Chico.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing to come from this film, even beyond its joy and entertainment,
is that the dogs that were rescued and hired for the film now have homes.  Some with cast and crew members, others with Mike Alexander on his ranch with Birds & Animals Unlimited, some with people on set that just wanted to give an animal a good home.

 Be they 50% warrior, 50% lover or 100% Chihuahua, the one thing you will all agree on is that BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA is 100% cute, 100% adorable, 100% entertaining and 110% fun.

Chloe: Drew Barrymore
Papi: George Lopez
Aunt Vi: Jamie Lee Curtis
Rachel: Piper Perabo
Sam: Manolo Cardona

 Directed by Raja Gosnell.  Written by Analisa LaBianco.  Rated PG.